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For providers

Home to lab semen collection and analysis

Designed and developed with andrologists, Malebox’s two general IVDs allow for at home male fertility testing whilst providing the same information as an in-person semen analysis. 




Remove geographical barriers 

Clinics can expand their reach, attract a more diverse patient base, and improve overall access to reproductive healthcare, ultimately enhancing diagnostic efficiency and patient outcomes.


Improve workflow efficiency

Enhance workflows by reducing the need for in-person appointments, freeing up staff and facility resources. Patients can collect samples on their own schedule, improving flexibility and efficiency. 


Approachable first step

Removes key barriers to entry by allowing men to complete the test on their own schedule in their own environment. Convenience encourages greater participation, helping clinics reach a wider patient base, including those who may have otherwise delayed or avoided testing.

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Patient orders a Malebox kit

Malebox distributes the kit directly to the patient which is ordered through the clinic. 


Patient completes test

Semen analysis kit is sent to our partner lab for analysis.


Semen analysed

Predictive models applied to account for any degradation of the sample.

Semen Analysis Report

What we measure

Clinic-grade semen analysis equivalent to an in person test.  

Two UK medical devices developed

Integrating our environmentally controlled hardware, specially formulated preservative maintains the sample integrity during transport. 


Our proprietary predictive models compensate for the unique degradation profiles of the preserved semen samples.


This combination allows for clinically useful remote semen analysis to become possible.

Simple easy to read fertility report provided to the clinic to then delivered to the end-user.

Our Team

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